The Prayer Cycle
The Prayer Cycle, by the American composer Jonathan Elias, is a hauntingly beautiful piece of music in nine movements, a set of nine adagio prayers. Musicians from across the globe and at the top of their game were invited to collaborate and they brought thirteen languages to the project. Written in 1999 in response to a troubled and chaotic world where prayer often is the resort that many people turn to when all hope seems lost, it came into my life at a time when I found myself needing exactly that kind of help. In fact, I listened to this music as I was falling asleep every single night for a year so deeply did it touch my heart and so powerfully healing were the sounds. In the listening, I began to dream about making nine paintings inspired by each of the nine movements. It has taken me fourteen years since that intense period of listening to be able to find the right marks. Despite having heard it hundreds of times, there are certain parts which still bring me to tears. These paintings are my humble response to The Prayer Cycle.
Mercy, 30" x 36", mixed media on canvas, $1500
Strength, 40" x 30", mixed media on canvas, $1600
Compassion, 30" x 40", mixed media on canvas, $1600
Grace, 30" x 24", mixed media on canvas, $1500
Innocence, 30" x 30", mixed media on canvas, $1500
Hope, 36" x 36", mixed media on canvas, $1800
Forgiveness, 30" x 30", mixed media on canvas, $1500